Friday, September 1, 2023


The history of canals and their use in Great Britain dates from Roman times.
First dug for irrigation and for connecting separate rivers to increase travel inland, the canals were used for transporting goods and eventually became an integral part of Britain’s industrial revolution. Narrowboats are wooden canal boats built to fit the narrow locks of Britain and were first drawn by horses from a towpath, then driven with steam and then diesel engines. Because of the narrow locks boats need to be less than 7 feet wide, and shorter than 72 feet, although some locks are just 57 feet long.

The canals no longer are used to transport wares; trains and trucking are much more efficient; but the canal system of England and Wales is still in use for leisurely activities. There are over 2,000 miles of navigable canals and rivers and according to the Canal and River Trust of the UK there are tens of thousands of narrowboats used as permanent and semi-permanent homes, weekend and holiday getaways, touring and day travel.
Janet's family lives just over a mile from the Shropshire Union canal and there is pedestrian access at the Nantwich Aqueduct at the end of Welsh Road. The narrowboats and canals are a beautiful sight and whenever we get the chance, we try to gongoozle. Actual word! A gongoozler is: “Someone who enjoy watching boats and activities on canals.”  

Apart from the serenity and a glimpse of a lifestyle not readily found in the United States, there is for us an alternate reason to gongoozle…beer, but you already knew this dear reader. One day we spent the afternoon walking along the Shroppie Canal to the Barbridge Junction with the Trent Mersey Canal. Then we lingered over beers at the Olde Barbridge Inn. As the boys ran around in the playground, we watched the narrowboats slip by.

Another canal that eventually junctions with the Shropshire Union is the Llangollen Canal. That starts in Wales and eventually passes Canalside Garden Center in Wrenbury where one of the family works. When we visited him last weekend, we watched a narrowboat magically pass, but not before a small wooden pedestrian bridge had to be hand cranked open by a “crew” member on the narrowboat!

                                                        Wrenbury lift bridge 


It’s a beautiful world. There is a list of canals and maps available at the CRT and if you’re interested to being more than a gongoozler you can hire a boat for the day at Nantwich. 



Interested in buying your own narrowboat? Go here:

Or, just gongoozle the day away at the canal side pub of your choice.

Thanks for reading.

Love Janet and greg

© 2023 by Gregory Dunaj

My 2nd novel - THE MUSIC MADE ME CRY

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