Saturday, June 27, 2009

trenton thundershowers

We attempted to go to the Trenton Thunder/Reading Phillies AA baseball game at Riverfront Stadium in Trenton last night, but it was rained out. The game was delayed for nearly an hour, but after only 1 1/2 innings of play it started pouring again. Even though the rain stopped the field conditions were too bad to continue.

We still had a great time. The ball park is new and clean and the prices were very good. I paid $12 for seats that were down the first base line and just a few rows from the field. Good beer, like Spaten Munich was available at the BeerHaus for $5.75, which is just .25 more than the Buds, etc. We ate a couple of burgers and some Chickie and Pete's Crab Fries, drank some beer, gave our Trenton Thunder playing cards to the kid next to us because he and his father got to the stadium too late for the free giveaway, dodged some lightning bolts, got up close and personal with some people as we waited out the storm and then watched the top half of the second inning a few rows up from home plate as we figured people were not coming back after the delays; it was already 9:30. Later when the game was called we exchanged our tickets for a game on July 5 and in first row seats directly behind home plate. We were excited to be able to return. Plus, there will be fireworks that night. Those same seats would cost me thousands of dollars in Yankee Stadium!

I know these aren't tales of some exotic locales, or far flung lands, but these days of Home Vacationing are endearing. So often have I rushed at first opportunity to get away from home to see something else, I failed to regard my environs with any appreciative eye. Perhaps it's easier to find the alluring qualities in vacationing from home because I have been many, many places. I recently did one of those silly things on Facebook where you "pin" the places you've visited, and I came up with 24 countries. There are of course many places in this wide world I have not seen, and many places I would love to return to, but for now $12 tickets at the baseball game is my world. And, I am happy with where I am.

love to all....greg

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