Thursday, July 2, 2009

couch surfing

Without a doubt couch surfing is the most preferable method of vacationing. What better way to see the world than through the hospitality of friends! Like islands in the stream, friends are there for you, hopefully. Sadly there are those without friendly stars to guide them and for them there are are only hotel reservations and meal plans. Though the couch, the comfortable couch, may not have the cache of housekeeping turndown service with a little mint, those superficial ammenities cannot replace the open arms and eager embraces of friends who are absolutely delighted to see you. String enough of friends together and like a dilettante on the Grand Tour you are stylin'!

Now, of course, extended couch stays are taboo. They leave a bad taste and perhaps future travels will be curtailed. Graciously decline at least twice the offer to remain more than an extended weekend. You don't want to be a burden to your guest. Of course if they still insist you must be prepared to be helpful around the abode and not loll about like a lazy sea lion. Laundry, cooking, sweeping, folding clothes are all manageable methods of procuring lengthy stays, as well as the purchase of alcohol, beers and meals. Though we are trying to be cheap here, you'll have to spend something! Truthfully though one must come bearing gifts for every visited couch and not just smiles or a lascivious offer of a massage. A bottle of wine, a six pack of beer, a small collectable are acceptable. Flowers fetched from your host's front yard are not acceptable. Verbal compliments are nice, but they are not enough. Pictures taken on your cell phone of the road kill you passed a few miles back are not enough.

Now conversely, if you are fortunate to have a coveted chesterfield you must never take such advantage of your guest that it leaves them feeling defiled. You must be as gracious as your guests, unless of course you want to put the screws to say, your lout of a brother-in-law, and steer him away from the Applebee's dinner he had planned as payment, or at least order several extra drinks, a couple of appetizers and the surf and turf.

If you are traveling to more than one destination and no friends are available in between, you'll have to bite the bullet and spend some of that cash of yours. You may opt for the cheapest no-tell motel and the lack of charm as an overnight stay may be offset by the price, but usually nefarious types will lurk about such places and thudding headboards and pillows infused with smoke or worse may lead to sleepness nights. You want to be refreshed and at least look happy to see your new couch and it is this blogger's opinion that a good night's sleep in a decent hotel will do the trick. No one wants to have a smelly grouch lounging on their davenport. One must never drive such a long distance to avoid a stay over in a hotel as to court disaster or arrive smelling like diesel fuel and your clothes stained with coffee and the remnants of that Boston Creme donut you bought at the last Cracker Barrel.

No couch surfing is a a wonderful way to travel, but one must do it with style. You may be cheap, but at least you have style as you travel.

After the visit a small note of thanks either through an email, letter or phone call is important, even if your host insists on falling asleep in his comfy chair before the television as you bury your head in the settee in an attempt to escaoe his snoring and flatulence. Never ever complain! That goes against every code of the couch surfer. Just smile a lot, even if your headache keeps your eyes from squinting with happiness. If the stay was that bad, and has it ever been so awful to offset the small cost involved, then simply resolve to find other friends in the area if you decide to return, or order an extra drink yourself so you'll sleep more soundly.

On a serious note though there is an organization that links up people willing to couch surf around the world. If we had planned this better perhaps your Vacations From Home team would have been reporting from someplace like Spain or Seattle.

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