Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Team VFH is cheap, but at least we enjoy our lives. It’s not like we’re sitting in the dark and hoping for good luck to come our way…we strung out party lights along our back deck to help with its search. With all the plants and the lights our little deck is a green oasis and during the summer months we spend a lot of time lounging amid the pastoral scene. It makes the wait for that good luck all the more pleasant.

Friends and neighbors who stop by and visit also make the wait for good luck a bit easier. They always remark on how lovely our little party square looks. We tell them how fortunate we feel and if you can ignore the traffic chortling past on the nearby street you can readily imagine you are anywhere else in this wide beautiful world. But, as luck would have it we are in Collegeville in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

That may sound like I am making fun of our little burg, and I guess I am, but truthfully it really is very pleasant here. From our perch, peering between the ferns, we can see a pastoral expanse of green, the home of a ball field and playground. If you can ignore the cars barreling down the street one can imagine an undulating flow of pasture and serenity.

Also from our perch our bird feeder is the delight of goldfinches, chickadees and woodpeckers, the occasional crackle notwithstanding as well as a rather brazen chipmunk.  We sit out here and the world seems like it slows and we smile at our good fortune.
our dog likes EVERYONE

Summer concerts are held across the street sponsored by Collegeville and the good citizens bring their lawn chairs and the kids flounce about to the cover bands that bless us with their performances. Sometimes we sit on the deck to listen, we’re that close, sometimes we take the dog out for a spirited walk amongst the crowd. It is a good to see so many coming out for these shows. 

Collegeville is aptly named, as it is the home of the Ursinus Bears, a liberal arts school where J.D. Salinger attended, albeit for one semester in 1938. Often with towns that have colleges in or nearby there are many benefits. Although before she met me Janet had never explored the campus just up the street, Ursinus and her lovely grounds is dotted with sculptures and fountains and now we stroll the 170 acre campus with the dog yapping at everybody including the statuary.

The school sends out pamphlets announcing different events, like art shows at the Berman Museum or movie nights on the front lawn.  The other night we strolled onto the campus to see the crowd assembled for that evening’s viewing. Lots of kids were tumbling about. It was a good turnout and again we smiled at our good fortune to live here in Collegeville, and took our dinner at the food trucks gathered for the occasion..

Team VFH’s home base is a good place and we offer to all our readers an open invitation to visit and to see what the fuss is all about.  

Just bring beer.

Love to all and hopefully you’ll find your own little oasis so close to home.

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