Wednesday, March 18, 2020


People usually spend more time planning for a vacation than they do their retirement. With this Coronavirus raging this is a good thing. DO NOT look at your portfolio! With the market in a freefall, it's better you just sit in your little caves and dream of destinations you can no longer afford. If you’re wondering where you MIGHT be able to go, here’s two good resources. One is a NY Times article about global restrictions. The other is the United States Department of State Global Travel Advisories.

Yeah, it looks bleak, but we as citizens of this vast beautiful world are doing the right thing by helping quell the spread of this virus by social distancing and washing our hands, etc., and eventually, we will benefit from these efforts. It may take some time, but we’re on the right path. By sheltering at home and not contracting, or spreading, the virus we are not overwhelming the health care system and this will help them combat this rapidly spreading menace to our world. The government and the medical professionals should be commended for their efforts in this extremely fluid and volatile crisis.  

Remember it’s a big world out there, and we must prevail if we’re going to see it. There will be a cure found and the markets will come back, so you, dear friends, have to remain healthy and you will just have to keep reading this stupid blog when you run out of Candy Crush lives.

I’ll get back to writing about Team VFH recent trip to Costa Rica and Panama after this.

Stay squeaky clean!

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