Monday, July 15, 2019


The logistics of travel can be nightmarish. Getting from one place to another can either be easy or so difficult you’ll want to throw your hands up in defeat. So far this trip to Croatia has been so smooth one could get spoiled by expectations. With no steep steps to reach our sobe in the Stari Grad or Old City of Dubrovnik, and just inside the Buza Gate getting in and out has been easy and convenient. We were disappointed at first that we were unable to get a room in the center of everything, but in hindsight it was nice to NOT to be one of THOSE people wheeling their bags through the crowds on the Stradun.
on the left our
SOBE on the right
We had to vacate our sobe by 10 am, but we weren’t getting picked up until 1:45 in the afternoon. We left our bags in the little lobby of the sobe and the lingered over some coffee at Leone Trattoria which is just across the “street”. As people milled around us and others looked down from the city walls that towered behind us, we savored our coffees while still using the wifi from our sobe.

We then walked around a bit, filled our water bottle at the Onofrio Fountain and then went to a heart wrenching journalistic photo exhibition called “War” which chronicled the conflagration that shook this area in the 1990’s. Having known Yugoslavia before all the madness made this exhibit especially sad for me.
Our driver met us near the Ploce Gate. It was a smooth leisurely walk, through the Buza Gate and down a gradual incline, with no steps, on the outside of the dramatic battlements to reach the designated area. It was a ten-minute drive to where the Infinity was anchored near the port of Gruz. She was anchored side-by-side with several other ships beneath a bridge and to reach the Infinity we had to walk through a few other boats. Our bags were already in our cabin after our introduction to the Cruise Director on a back deck. Janet and I were shocked at our luxurious and spacious cabin. We have never traveled at this level of accommodation before.
The Infinity has 19 cabins, the first 8 at the waterline and the rest on two levels of deck. We are in Cabin 2. When we climb our stairs there is an entrance to the eating area and to the outside decks. There are several seating areas on three decks the topmost has a number of chaise lounges and a hot tub. We’re not used to this level of travel so we oohed and aahed at everything like a couple of schoolkids.

At a specified time, Unforgettable Croatia drove us by bus back to Dubrovnik. There we took the cable car ride up to Kriz, a massive stone cross. From this height we had a dramatic view of the city and surrounding areas. After we descended from the mountain, the company had arranged a guide to give us an abridged tour of Dubrovnik. Then it was back to the Infinity for dinner.
Could we get used to this?
Travel doesn’t have to be so luxurious, but it certainly is nice. We are spoiled.

Thanks for reading we sail tomorrow for the Ephanti Islands to swim. Then we'll dock at Slano and tour the oyster beds of Mali Ston and sample oysters and mussels and then visit the salt farms of Ston and the massive wall there. 

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